Global Home Care Services is a leading home health care provider in the State of Massachusetts. GHCS is licensed and insured to deliver high-quality health care services that each patient needs. Whether you need immediate medical care from a Registered Nurse or social assistance from a Certified Medical Social Worker, we are always ready to provide. Since no two patients have the same level of health care requirements, we strive to develop a customized plan of care that conforms to your individual needs and demands.
At Global Home Care Services, we truly respect the patient’s right to quality care and world-class health care services and these are the things our staff will always prioritize. We have a network of highly skilled healthcare professionals who are well-versed in providing home health care services. Our staff has the skills, knowledge and good traits needed to perform their professional duties and responsibilities to every patient that they serve. Our staff includes:
- Registered Nurses
- Physical Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Language Pathologists
- Medical Social Workers
Why Choose Global Home Care Services?
Global Home Care Services is a trusted provider of private duty as well as regular home care services that are tailored to meet individual needs.
- We have been awarded with a Community Health Accreditation (CHAP) Standards of Excellence, and we have been deemed to meet the Medicare Conditions of Participation as is certified as a Medicare Provider.
- We provide 24-hour services, including all holidays and weekends.
- We offer cost-effective and comforting solutions – whether you reside in a hospital, nursing home, assisted living community, or in your private home.
- Our staff is highly trained, screened, and credentialed as home care professionals.
- We match client-to-caregiver to ensure compatibility in service delivery.
- Our staff is regularly supervised to ensure client satisfaction.
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Global Home Care Services welcomes all patients who need our care and services. We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, national origin, language, gender, age, religion, health condition and status.
Our mission at Global Home Care Services is to help everyone we work with
to experience a smooth and safe transition from the hospital,
to the comforts of their own home.
We strive to help you gain a great, comfortable life
with professional care that is important for your
total recovery and wellness.